Suburani Book 2 Chapter 30

Conjuguemos Vocabulary List

Prompt Answer
1. add 1. addō, addere, addidī, additus
2. altar 2. āra, ārae, f.
3. at the same time 3. simul
4. become 4. fīō, fierī, factus sum
5. captive, prisoner 5. captīvus, captīvī, m.
6. courage, virtue 6. virtūs, virtūtis, f.
7. crush, overwhelm 7. opprimō, opprimere, oppressī, oppressus
8. deity, divine power 8. nūmen, nūminis, n.
9. deny, say that … not 9. negō, negāre, negāvī, negātus
10. drive, push 10. pellō, pellere, pepulī, pulsus
11. hair 11. coma, comae, f.
12. help, assist 12. iuvō, iuvāre, iūvī, iūtus
13. learn 13. discō, discere, didicī
14. mouth 14. ōs, ōris, n.
15. punish 15. pūniō, pūnīre, pūnīvī, pūnītus
16. tomorrow 16. crās
17. turn 17. vertō, vertere, vertī, versus
18. undo, let go 18. solvō, solvere, solvī, solūtus
19. use, employ 19. ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum + abl.
20. when? 20. quandō?