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Conjuguemos Vocabulary List

Prompt Answer
1. everything 1. alles
2. has too many calories 2. hat zu viele Kalorien
3. has too much fat 3. hat zu viel Fett
4. is fattening 4. macht dick
5. it doesn't taste good 5. es schmeckt mir nicht
6. not good for your health 6. nicht gut für die Gesund
7. teh cauliflower 7. der Blumenkohl
8. the apricot 8. die Aprikose
9. the beef 9. das Rindfleisch
10. the blueberry 10. die Blaubeere
11. the carrot 11. die Möhre
12. the cherry 12. die Kirsche
13. the chicken 13. das Huhn
14. the food 14. die Speise
15. the mushroom 15. der Pilz
16. the rice 16. der Reis
17. the strawberry 17. die Erdbeere
18. the trout 18. die Forelle
19. to be allergic to 19. allergisch sein gegen
20. to be allowed to, may 20. dürfen
21. unhealthy 21. ungesund
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0.0010   SELECT `activities`.*, `teachers`.`school_id`, `teachers`.`user_id` `teacher_user_id`, `teachers`.`receive_email` `receive_email`, `activities`.`language_id`, `users`.`email` `teacher_email`, `languages`.`text` as `language_text`, `activity_types`.`description` as `type`, `verb_activity_settings`.`settings` as `settings`, `verb_activity_settings`.`pronouns` as `selected_pronouns`, `activity_types`.`description` as `type`, `users`.`last_name` `creator`
FROM `activities`
LEFT JOIN `activity_typesON `type_id`=`activity_types`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `teachersON `activities`.`teacher_id` = `teachers`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `usersON `teachers`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`
JOIN `languagesON `activities`.`language_id` = `languages`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `verb_activity_settingsON `verb_activity_settings`.`activity_id` = `activities`.`id`
WHERE `activities`.`id` = '17797' 
0.0007   SELECT `class_id`, `classes`.`name`
FROM `classes_activities`
JOIN `classesON `classes_activities`.`class_id` = `classes`.`id`
WHERE `activity_id` = '17797' 
0.0010   SELECT *
FROM `languages`
WHERE `id` = '6' 
0.0009   SELECT DISTINCT `vocabulary`.`id`, `vocabulary`.`text`
FROM `activities`
JOIN `vocabulary_translationsON `activities`.`id` = `vocabulary_translations`.`activity_id`
JOIN `vocabularyON `vocabulary_translations`.`vocabulary_id` = `vocabulary`.`id`
WHERE `activities`.`id` = '17797'
ORDER BY `vocabulary_translations`.`idAS