School: Actions

Conjuguemos Vocabulary List

Prompt Answer
1. to answer 1. rispondere
2. to ask 2. chiedere
3. to check 3. verificare
4. to circle 4. girare
5. to collect 5. raccogliere
6. to copy 6. copiare
7. to correct 7. correggere
8. to dictate 8. dettare
9. to discuss 9. discutere
10. to draw 10. disegnare
11. to hand out 11. distribuire
12. to help 12. aiutare
13. to look up 13. cercare
14. to mark 14. contrassegnare
15. to read 15. leggere
16. to repeat 16. ripetere
17. to say 17. dire
18. to share 18. condividere
19. to spell 19. scrivere
20. to talk 20. parlare
21. to underline 21. sottolineare