Clothing: For Rain and Cold

Conjuguemos Vocabulary List

Prompt Answer
1. the cap 1. o boné
2. the coat 2. o casaco
3. the down jacket 3. o casaco de penugem
4. the earmuffs 4. o earmuffs
5. the gloves 5. as luvas
6. the hat 6. o chapéu
7. the jacket 7. o casaco
8. the mittens 8. as mitenes
9. the overcoat 9. o casaco
10. the poncho 10. o poncho
11. the rain boots 11. as botas de chuva
12. the raincoat 12. a capa de chuva
13. the scarf 13. o lenço
14. the ski cap 14. o gorro de esqui
15. the ski mask 15. a máscara de esqui
16. the sunglasses 16. os óculos de sol
17. the swimsuit 17. o maiô
18. the tights 18. a meia-calça
19. the trenchcoat 19. o trenchcoat
20. the umbrella 20. o guarda-chuva