Triángulos (Chapter 9)

Conjuguemos Vocabulary List

Prompt Answer
1. affection 1. cariño
2. affectionate 2. cariñoso
3. aliance 3. alianza
4. anniversary 4. aniversario
5. birthday 5. cumpleaños
6. brave 6. valiente
7. brother in law 7. cuñado
8. brothers 8. hermanos
9. celebration 9. celebración
10. cocktail 10. cóctel
11. compassion 11. compasión
12. compassionate 12. compasivo
13. competent 13. competente
14. compliment 14. alabanza
15. conflicts 15. conflictos
16. daughter 16. hija
17. daughter in law 17. nuera
18. day of your saint 18. día de santo
19. deceitful,deceiving 19. engañoso
20. dependent 20. dependiente
21. desagreements 21. desacuerdos
22. disgusts 22. disgustos
23. disputes 23. disputas
24. enemies 24. enemigos
25. faithful 25. fiel
26. father 26. padre
27. father in law 27. suegro
28. female cousin 28. primas
29. ferocious 29. feroz
30. flexible 30. flexible
31. friends 31. amigos
32. friendship 32. amistad
33. frivolous 33. frívolo
34. gossiper 34. chismoso
35. grandfather 35. abuelo
36. grandmother 36. abuela
37. great-grand father 37. bisabuelo
38. great-grand mother 38. bisabuela
39. humble 39. humilde
40. husband 40. esposo
41. independent 41. independiente
42. insults 42. insultos
43. intimacy 43. intimidad
44. introverted 44. introvertido
45. kisses 45. besos
46. loving 46. amoroso
47. male cousin 47. primo
48. manipulative 48. manipulador
49. matrimony 49. matrimonio
50. mean 50. malvado
51. merciful 51. piadoso
52. mood 52. estado de ánimo
53. mother 53. madre
54. mother in law 54. suegra
55. nephew 55. sobrino
56. niece 56. sobrina
57. own 57. propio
58. personal 58. personal
59. personality 59. personalidad
60. physical fights 60. luchas
61. relations 61. relaciones
62. relatives 62. parientes
63. respect 63. respeto
64. rigid 64. rígido
65. rivalry 65. rivalidad
66. safe,secure 66. seguro
67. sensitive 67. sensible
68. serious 68. serio
69. severe 69. severo
70. sister in law 70. cuñada
71. sisters 71. hermanas
72. snobby 72. descreído
73. son 73. hijo
74. son in law 74. yerno
75. sons and daughters 75. hijos
76. spoiled 76. mimado
77. stepfather 77. padrastro
78. stepmother 78. madrastra
79. stubborn 79. terco
80. to accept 80. aceptar
81. to admire 81. admirar
82. to advise 82. aconsejar
83. to appreciate 83. apreciar
84. to be cordial 84. ser cordial
85. to be dizzy 85. estar mareado
86. to be interested 86. estar interesado
87. to be mad 87. estar molesto
88. to become affectionate 88. tomarle afecto
89. to collaborate 89. colaborar
90. to compliment 90. alabar
91. to comprehend 91. comprender
92. to dare 92. atreverse
93. to dominate 93. dominar
94. to enjoy 94. gozar
95. to fall in love 95. enamorarse
96. to forgive 96. perdonar
97. to get confused 97. confundirse
98. to get tired 98. cansarse
99. to hate 99. odiar
100. to have an aliance 100. tener una alianza
101. to have compassion 101. tener compasión
102. to help 102. ayudar
103. to hold 103. abrazar
104. to honor someone 104. declarar homenaje
105. to intensify 105. arreciar
106. to kiss 106. besar
107. to love 107. amar
108. to marry 108. casarse con
109. to regret 109. arrepentirse
110. to resist 110. resistir
111. to set roots 111. arraigarse
112. to share 112. compartir
113. to underestimate 113. menospreciar
114. tolerant 114. tolerante
115. unbearable 115. insoportable
116. unorganized 116. desorganizado,desordenado
117. unpleasant 117. desagradable
118. vain 118. vanidoso
119. verbal fights 119. peleas
120. wife 120. esposa