Conexiones (Lesson 7-2)

Conjuguemos Vocabulary List

Prompt Answer
1. above all 1. más que todo, sobre todo
2. daily 2. a diario
3. denied (sing) 3. negado, negada
4. hated (plur) 4. odiados, odiadas
5. insulting (s, pl) 5. insultante, insultantes
6. mistreated (fem) 6. maltratada, maltratadas
7. more than anything 7. más que nada
8. on one's own 8. por sí mismo
9. preventive (masc) 9. preventivo, preventivos
10. promoted (sing) 10. promovido, promovida
11. respected (plur) 11. respetados, respetadas
12. segregationist 12. segregacionista
13. the antidiscriminatory laws 13. las leyes antidiscriminatorias
14. the average 14. el promedio
15. the bad thing, part 15. lo malo
16. the denial 16. la negación
17. the ethnicity 17. la etnicidad
18. the gender 18. el sexo
19. the good thing, part 19. lo bueno
20. the hate, hatred 20. el odio
21. the important thing 21. lo importante
22. the insult 22. el insulto
23. the interesting thing, part 23. lo interesante
24. the mistreatment 24. el maltrato
25. the people 25. la gente
26. the policy 26. la política
27. the prevention 27. la prevención
28. the promotion 28. la promoción
29. the respect 29. el respeto
30. the sexual orientation 30. la orientación sexual
31. to deny 31. negar, negarse
32. to hate 32. odiar/odiar
33. to insult 33. insultar
34. to mistreat 34. maltratar
35. to move away from 35. alejarse de
36. to prevent 36. prevenir
37. to promote 37. promover
38. to respect 38. respetar
39. to surpass 39. superar
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0.0006   SELECT `activities`.*, `teachers`.`school_id`, `teachers`.`user_id` `teacher_user_id`, `teachers`.`receive_email` `receive_email`, `activities`.`language_id`, `users`.`email` `teacher_email`, `languages`.`text` as `language_text`, `activity_types`.`description` as `type`, `verb_activity_settings`.`settings` as `settings`, `verb_activity_settings`.`pronouns` as `selected_pronouns`, `activity_types`.`description` as `type`, `users`.`last_name` `creator`
FROM `activities`
LEFT JOIN `activity_typesON `type_id`=`activity_types`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `teachersON `activities`.`teacher_id` = `teachers`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `usersON `teachers`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`
JOIN `languagesON `activities`.`language_id` = `languages`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `verb_activity_settingsON `verb_activity_settings`.`activity_id` = `activities`.`id`
WHERE `activities`.`id` = '15792' 
0.0007   SELECT `class_id`, `classes`.`name`
FROM `classes_activities`
JOIN `classesON `classes_activities`.`class_id` = `classes`.`id`
WHERE `activity_id` = '15792' 
0.0013   SELECT *
FROM `languages`
WHERE `id` = '5' 
0.0009   SELECT DISTINCT `vocabulary`.`id`, `vocabulary`.`text`
FROM `activities`
JOIN `vocabulary_translationsON `activities`.`id` = `vocabulary_translations`.`activity_id`
JOIN `vocabularyON `vocabulary_translations`.`vocabulary_id` = `vocabulary`.`id`
WHERE `activities`.`id` = '15792'
ORDER BY `vocabulary_translations`.`idAS
0.0013   SELECT `text`, `id`, `vocabulary_id`
FROM `vocabulary_translations`
WHERE `activity_id` = '15792'
AND `language_id` = '5'