Ven conmigo 3 (Chapter 2-1)

Conjuguemos Vocabulary List

Prompt Answer
1. anxious 1. ansioso
2. Can you give me any advice? 2. Puedes darme algún consejo
3. exhausted 3. agotado
4. I advise you to 4. Te aconsejo
5. I recommend you 5. Te recomiendo
6. It would be a good idea for you to... 6. Sería bueno...
7. stressed out 7. histérico
8. to be under pressure 8. sufrir de presiones
9. to be worn out 9. estar rendido
10. to cause stress 10. causar el estrés
11. to get nervous 11. ponerse nervioso
12. to laugh 12. reírse
13. to lead a hectic life 13. llevar una vida agitada
14. to relax 14. relajarse
15. to relieve stress 15. aliviar el estrés
16. to solve a problem 16. resolver un problema
17. to suffer from tension 17. sufrir de tensiones
18. to take care of yourself 18. cuidarse
19. to take things calmly 19. tomar las cosas con calma
20. What do you advise me to do? 20. Qué me aconsejas hacer
21. What do you recommend that I do? 21. Qué me recomiendas hacer
22. What should I do? 22. Qué debo hacer
23. worn out 23. agobiado
24. you should 24. deberías
25. you should not 25. no debes
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0.0006   SELECT `activities`.*, `teachers`.`school_id`, `teachers`.`user_id` `teacher_user_id`, `teachers`.`receive_email` `receive_email`, `activities`.`language_id`, `users`.`email` `teacher_email`, `languages`.`text` as `language_text`, `activity_types`.`description` as `type`, `verb_activity_settings`.`settings` as `settings`, `verb_activity_settings`.`pronouns` as `selected_pronouns`, `activity_types`.`description` as `type`, `users`.`last_name` `creator`
FROM `activities`
LEFT JOIN `activity_typesON `type_id`=`activity_types`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `teachersON `activities`.`teacher_id` = `teachers`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `usersON `teachers`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`
JOIN `languagesON `activities`.`language_id` = `languages`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `verb_activity_settingsON `verb_activity_settings`.`activity_id` = `activities`.`id`
WHERE `activities`.`id` = '15697' 
0.0003   SELECT `class_id`, `classes`.`name`
FROM `classes_activities`
JOIN `classesON `classes_activities`.`class_id` = `classes`.`id`
WHERE `activity_id` = '15697' 
0.0002   SELECT *
FROM `languages`
WHERE `id` = '5' 
0.0006   SELECT DISTINCT `vocabulary`.`id`, `vocabulary`.`text`
FROM `activities`
JOIN `vocabulary_translationsON `activities`.`id` = `vocabulary_translations`.`activity_id`
JOIN `vocabularyON `vocabulary_translations`.`vocabulary_id` = `vocabulary`.`id`
WHERE `activities`.`id` = '15697'
ORDER BY `vocabulary_translations`.`idAS