act; drive, lead; doagō, agere, ēgī, āctus
bold, daringaudāx, audācis
by; from, away fromā, ab + abl.
easyfacilis, facilis, facile
escapefuga, fugae, f.
for, becauseenim
freedomlībertās, lībertātis, f.
go to, approachadeō, adīre, adiī
heavily; seriouslygraviter
loseāmittō, āmittere, āmīsī, āmissus
missile, weapon, speartēlum, tēlī, n.
oneūnus, ūna, ūnum
ought, should, must; owedēbeō, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitus
persuadepersuādeō, persuādēre, persuāsī, persuāsus + dat.
scarcely, hardly, with difficultyvix
the other, another, one of two, the second of twoalter, altera, alterum
threetrēs, trēs, tria
twoduo, duae, duo
persuadepersuādeō, persuādēre, persuāsī, persuāsus + dat.
scarcely, hardly, with difficultyvix
the other, another, one of two, the second of twoalter, altera, alterum
threetrēs, trēs, tria
twoduo, duae, duo