the aluminum foildie Aluminiumfolie
the baked goodsdie Backwaren
the beansdie Bohnen
the bottled waterdas Wasser
the breaddas Brot
the butterdie Butter
the cakeder Kuchen
the cake mixder Kuchenteig
the canned goodsdie Konserven
the cash registerdie Kasse
the cheeseder Käse
the cookiesdie Kekse
the eggsdie Eier
the ice creamdas Eis
the juiceder Saft
the margarinedie Margarine
the milkdie Milch
the oildas Öl
the plastic wrapdie Plastikverpackung
the riceder Reis
the shopping cartder Einkaufswagen
the snacksdie Snacks
the sodadie Soda
the soupdie Suppe
the sour creamdie saure Sahne
the spaghettidie Spaghetti
the spicesdie Gewürze
the sugarder Zucker
the supermarketder Supermarkt
the tunader Thunfisch
the yogurtder Joghurt