the blenderder Mixer
the broilerder Broiler
the burnerder Brenner
the cabinetdas Kabinett
the can openerder Dosenöffner
the counterdie Arbeitsplatte
the cutting boarddas Schneidebrett
the dish drainerder Geschirr-Abtropfständer
the dishwasherdie Spülmaschine
the drawerdie Schublade
the electric mixerder elektrische Mixer
the food processordie Küchenmaschine
the freezerder Tiefkühlschrank
the garbage disposalder Küchenabfallzerkleinerer
the kitchendie Küche
the microwave ovendie Mikrowell
the ovender Ofen
the pandie Pfanne
the paper towelsdie Papierhandtücher
the potder Topf
the refrigeratorder Kühlschrank
the shelfdas Regal
the sinkdas Spülebecken
the stoveder Herd
the teakettleder Teekessel
the toasterder Toaster
the toaster ovender Toaster