the applesle mele
the apricotsle albicocche
the avocadosl'avocado
the bananasle banane
the blueberriesi mirtilli
the cantaloupesi meloni
the cherriesle ciliegie
the coconutsle noci di cocco
the datesle date
the fruitil frutto
the grapefruitsi pompelmi
the grapesl'uva
the lemonsi limoni
the limesil limes
the mangoesil mango
the nutsi dadi
the orangesle arance
the papayasla papaia
the peachesle pesche
the pearsle pere
the pineapplesgli ananas
the plumsle prugne
the prunesle prugne
the raisinsl'uvetta
the raspberriesi lamponi
the strawberriesle fragole
the tangerinesi mandarini
the watermelonsle angurie
the raisinsl'uvetta
the raspberriesi lamponi
the strawberriesle fragole
the tangerinesi mandarini
the watermelonsle angurie