the bacono bacon
the breastso peito
the chickeno frango
the clamsas amêijoas
the crabo caranguejo
the drumsticksas pernas
the ducko pato
the gizzardsa moela
the ground beefa carne moída
the halibuto alabote
the lambo cordeiro
the livero fígado
the lobstera lagosta
the meata carne
the musselsos mexilhões
the oystersas ostras
the porka carne de porco
the pork chopsas costeletas de porco
the roast beefo rosbife
the salmono salmão
the sausagea salsicha
the scallopsas vieiras
the seafoodos frutos do mar
the shrimpo camarão
the steako bife
the thighsas coxas
the trouta truta
the turkeyo peru
the wingsas asas