the bakery | a padaria |
the bank | o banco |
the barber shop | a barbearia |
the church | a igreja |
the city | a cidade |
the city hall | a prefeitura |
the coffee shop | a cafetería |
the courthouse | o tribunal |
the fire station | o posto de bombeiros |
the furniture store | a loja de móveis |
the gas station | o posto de gasolina |
the hardware store | a loja de ferragens |
the health club | o clube |
the hospital | o hospital |
the hotel | o hotel |
the library | a biblioteca |
the market | o mercado |
the mosque | a mesquita |
the motel | o motel |
the movie theater | o cinema |
the park | o parque |
the police station | a delegacia de polícia |
the post office | os correios |
the school | a escola |
the synagogue | a sinagoga |
the theater | o teatro |
the town | a cidade |