(the) waterl'eau (f)
Cokeun coca
Give me ...Donnez-moi ...
I would likeje voudrais
What would you like?Vous désirez?
a cheese sandwichun sandwich au fromage
a chocolate ice creamune glace au chocolat
a coffeeun café
a crepeune crêpe
a drink, a beverageune boisson
a french fryune frite
a grapeun raisin
a ham sandwichun sandwich au jambon
a hamburgerun hamburger
a hot dogun hot-dog
a quicheune quiche
a saladune salade
a sandwichun sandwich
a server (waiter)un serveur
a steakun steak
a steak with friesun steak-frites
a vanilla ice creamune glace à la vanille
a waitressune serveuse
a waterune eau
an appleune pomme
an omeletteune omelette
an orangeune orange
apple juicele jus de pomme
cheesele fromage
chocolatele chocolat
french friesdes frites (f)
grape juicele jus de raisin
hamle jambon
ice creamune glace
ladies and gentlemenMessieurs-Dames
lemon-lime sodaune limonade
mineral waterl'eau minérale
orange juicele jus d'orange
pleases'il vous plaît
to givedonner
to wantdésirer