a combun peigne
a fingerun doigt
a hairbrushune brosse à cheveux
a razorun rasoir
a toothla dent
a toothbrushune brosse à dents
an earune oreille
an eyeun oeil
cyclingle vélo
healthla santé
hikingla marche à pied
horseback ridingl'équitation
ice skatingle patinage
in good healthen bonne santé
in shapeen forme
rock climbingl'escalade
roller skatingle patin à roulettes
sailingla voile
swimmingla natation
the armle bras
the backle dos
the bodyle corps
the eyesles yeux
the facela figure
the footle pied
the hairles cheveux
the handla main
the headla tête
the heartle coeur
the kneele genou
the legla jambe
the mouthla bouche
the neckle cou
the nosele nez
the shoulderl'épaule
the soaple savon
the stomachle ventre/l'estomac
the toothpastele dentifrice
to apologizes'excuser
to bendplier
to brush (oneself)se brosser
to comb (oneself)se peigner
to get dresseds'habiller
to get upse lever
to go for a walkse promener
to go to bedse coucher
to have funs'amuser
to hurryse dépêcher
to hurtavoir mal à
to put makeup on (oneself)se maquiller
to raiselever
to rememberse souvenir
to restse reposer
to runcourir
to shave (oneself)se raser
to stops'arrêter
to wake upse réveiller
to wash (oneself)se laver
windsurfingla planche à voile