a benchun banc
a boulevardun boulevard
a bridgeun pont
a buildingun batiment
a cornerun coin
a fountainune fontaine
a pathun chemin
a phone boothune cabine téléphonique
a statueune statue
a streetune rue
a tourist officeun office de tourisme
a traffic lightun feu de signalisation
an avenueun avenue
an intersectionun carrefour
aroundautour de
at the corner ofau coin de
at the end ofau bout de
directionsdes directions
lost (adj)perdu
straight aheadtout droit
the stairsles escaliers
to continuecontinuer
to crosstraverser
to followsuivre
to loseperdre
to move (change location)se déplacer
to orient oneselfs'orienter
to turntourner
very close totout près de