the applesles pommes
the apricotsles abricots
the avocadosles avocats
the bananasles bananes
the blueberriesles bleuets
the cantaloupesles cantaloups
the cherriesles cerises
the coconutsles noix de coco
the datesles dates
the fruitle fruit
the grapefruitsles pamplemousses
the grapesles raisins
the lemonsles citrons
the limesles tilleuls
the mangoesles mangues
the nutsles écrous
the orangesles oranges
the papayasles papayes
the peachesles pêches
the pearsles poires
the pineapplesles ananas
the plumsles prunes
the prunesles pruneaux
the raisinsles raisins secs
the raspberriesles framboises
the strawberriesles fraises
the tangerinesles mandarines
the watermelonsles pastèques
the raisinsles raisins secs
the raspberriesles framboises
the strawberriesles fraises
the tangerinesles mandarines
the watermelonsles pastèques