Don't worryNe t'en fais pas
It's not seriousCe n'est pas grave
To sprain one's anklese fouler la cheville
What happened?Qu'est-ce qui (t
a boneun os
a complicated fractureune fracture (compliquée)
a crutchune béquille
a hospitalun hôpital
a nurse (f)une infirmière
a nurse (m)un infirmier
a paramedic (f)une secouriste
a paramedic (m)un secouriste
a stretcherun brancard
a wheelchairun fauteuil roulant
a woundune blessure
an accidentun accident
an ambulanceune ambulance
an anesthesiaune anesthésie
an anesthesiologist (f)une anesthésiste
an anesthesiologist (m)un anesthésiste
an orthepedic surgeonun chirurgien (-orthopédiste)
the anklela cheville
the armle bras
the emergency roomle service des urgences
the fingerle doigt
the footle pied
the kneele genou
the legla jambe
the toele doigt de pied
to bandagefaire un pansement
to break (a bone)se casser
to call 911appeler police secours
to care forsoigner
to falltomber
to fill out a formremplir un formulaire
to get betteraller mieux
to get cutse couper
to give a shotfaire une piqûre
to hurt (F part)avoir mal à la
to hurt (M part)avoir mal au
to hurt oneselfse blesser/se faire mal
to listen with a stethoscopeausculter
to put in a castmettre dans le plâtre
to set a breakremettre l'os en place
to showmontrer
to slipglisser
to stitchfaire un point de suture
to take (along), to leademmener
to take blood pressureprendre la tension
to take the pulseprendre le pouls
to twist one's kneese tordre le genou
to x-rayfaire une radio(graphie)