a clove of garlicune gousse d'ail
a crabun crabe
a cutletune côtelette
a dishun plat
a fishun poisson
a freezerun congé(lateur)
a fruitun fruit
a frying panune poêle
a grapedu raisin
a grapefruitun pamplemousse
a green beanun haricot vert
a leg of lambun gigot
a lemonun citron
a lidun couvercle
a lobsterun homard
a microwaveun four (à micro-ondes)
a mushroomun champignon
a musselune moule
a pieceun morceau
a potune casserole
a potatoune pomme de terre
a recipeune recette
a red pepperun poivron rouge
a refrigerator (1)un réfrigérateur
a refrigerator (2)un frigidaire
a refrigerator (3)un frigo
a ring, a sliceune rondelle
a roastun rôti
a sauceune sauce
a sausageune saucisse
a sole filetun filet de sole
a stoveune cuisinière
a vegetableun légume
an herbune herbe
an onionun oignon
an orangeune orange
an oysterune huître
bay leavesdu laurier
beefle boeuf
boiling (f)bouillante
boiling (m)bouillant
foodun aliment
herbsdes fines herbes
high temperature (on a stove)à feu vif
low temperature (on a stove)à feu doux
meatla viande
olive oilde l'huile d'olive
parsleydu persil
pastades pâtes
porkle porc
salmondu saumon
sauerkrautde la choucroute
seafooddes fruits de mer
the kitchenla cuisine
thymedu thym
to addajouter
to boilfaire bouillir
to cookfaire la cuisine
to cook somethingfaire cuire
to cutcouper
to grindhacher
to peeléplucher
to pourverser
to shredrâper
to stirremuer
vealle veau