What's wrong with him?Qu'est-ce qu'il a?
a chillun frisson
a coldun rhume
a diagnosisun diagnostic
a handkerchiefun mouchoir
a medicationun médicament
a pharmacist (m)un pharmacien
a pharmacyune pharmacie
a phramacist (f)une pharmacienne
a pillun comprimé
a prescriptionune ordonnance
a sinus infectionune sinusite aiguë
a syrupun sirop
a throat infectionune angine
a tissueun kleenex
an allergyune allergie
an antibioticun antibiotique
an earune oreille
an eyeun oeil
an infectionune infection
aspirinde l'aspirine
bless youà tes souhaits
deeplyà fond
healthla santé
in good healthen bonne santé
in poor healthen mauvaise santé
penicillinde la pénicilline
poor thing (f)la pauvre
poor thing (m)le pauvre
the doctorle médecin
the eyesles yeux
the flula grippe
the headla tête
the mouthla bouche
the nosele nez
the patient (f)la malade
the patient (m)le malade
the stomachle ventre
the throatla gorge
to breatherespirer
to coughtousser
to examineexaminer
to feel sickse sentir mal
to feel wellse sentir bien
to have a coldêtre enrhumé(e)
to have a feveravoir de la fièvre
to have a headacheavoir mal à la tête
to have a runny nosele nez qui coule
to have a scratchy throatla gorge qui gratte
to have a sore throatavoir mal à la gorge
to have a stomachacheavoir mal au ventre
to have an earacheavoir mal aux oreilles
to have itchy eyesles yeux qui piquent
to listen with a stethoscopeausculter
to openouvrir
to prescribeprescrire
to sneezeéternuer
to suffersouffrir
to swallowavaler