Provencela Provence
as usualcomme d'habitude
backwardsà l'envers
from time to timeparfois
the babyle bébé
the chorela tâche
the cicadala cigale
the countrysidele paysage
the firemanle pompier
the friendle pote
the high-rise housingla cité
the joble boulot
the kid (m)le gosse
the meaningle sens
the shamela honte
the teacher (m)l'instituteur
to be written, to appearfigurer
to bore onselfs'ennuyer
to busy oneselfs'occuper de
to disguise oneselfse déguiser
to figure it outse débrouiller
to harmnuire
to make a mealfaire une bouffe
to make a mistakese tromper
to mean to sayvouloir dire
to want toavoir envie de