Married Partnersla pareja
adolescencela adolescencia
agela edad
baked (caramel) custardel flan de caramelo
birthel nacimiento
birthdayel cumpleaños
bottle of winela botella de vino
champagneel champán
childhoodla niñez
chocolate cakeel pastel de chocolate
christmasla Navidad
cookiela galleta
deathla muerte
dessertel postre
divorceel divorcio
friendshipla amistad
guestel invitado
happiness (not la felicidad)la alegría
holidayel día de fiesta
ice creamel helado
kissel beso
loveel amor
marital statusel estado civil
marriageel matrimonio
maturity; middle agela madurez
newlywedel recién casado
old agela vejez
partyla fiesta
surprisela sorpresa
sweets; candylos dulces
the stages of lifelas etapas de la vida
to be bornnacer
to break up (with)romper con
to celebratecelebrar
to fall in love withenamorarse de
to get along badly withllevarse mal con
to get along well withllevarse bien con
to get divorced fromdivorciarse de
to get engaged tocomprometerse con
to get married tocasarse con
to give (a gift)regalar
to go out (with); to datesalir con
to graduategraduarse
to hateodiar
to have a bad timepasarlo mal
to have a date; to have an appointmenttener una cita
to have a good timepasarlo bien
to have fundivertirse
to inviteinvitar
to laughreírse
to relaxrelajarse
to retire (from work)jubilarse
to separate fromsepararse de
to smilesonreír
to surprisesorprender
to toast (drink)brindar
weddingla boda
wedding anniversaryel aniversario de bodas
with meconmigo
with youcontigo
young woman's fifteenth birthday celebrationla quinceañera
youthla juventud
 to changecambiar