aspirinla aspirina
bandagela venda
breathingla respiración
castel yeso
coldel resfriado
coughla tos
depressionla depresión
diet ( nutrition)la alimentación
discomfortel malestar
doctor's apptla consulta/la cita
doctor's officeel consultorio
emergency roomla sala de emergencias
first aidlos primeros auxilios
flula gripe
healthla salud
high blood pressurela tensión alta
illness, diseasela enfermedad
injuryla herida
low blood pressurela tensión baja
moodel estado de ánimo
obesityla obesidad
operationla operación
painkiller, tranquilizerel calmante
pill, tabletla pastilla
prescription ( recipe)la receta
self- esteemla autoestima
surgeonel cirujano
surgeryla cirugía
syrup (medicine)el jarabe
to be on a dietestar a dieta
to become infectedcontagiarse
to coughtoser
to deteriorate , to get worseempeorar
to faintdesmayarse
to gain weight, get fatengordar
to get hurtlastimarse
to get sickenfermarse/ponerse mal
to get wellponerse bien
to give a shotponer una inyección
to have a coldestar resfriado
to have a fevertener fiebre
to heal ,to be curedcurarse/sanar
to improvemejorar
to look healthytener buen aspecto
to look sicktener mal aspecto
to lose weight, get thinadelgazar
to preventprevenir
to quit smokingdejar de fumar
to recoverrecuperarse
to relaxrelajarse
to remain, to lastpermanecer
to restdescansar
to stay up all nighttrasnochar
to suffersufrir
to treattratar
treatmentel tratamiento
vaccinela vacuna
virusel virus
well-beingel bienestar