best manel padrino de boda
bride, fiancée, girlfriendla novia
cakela torta
champagnela champaña
city hallel ayuntamiento
divorceel divorcio
engagementel noviazgo
engagement ringel anillo de compromiso
great-grandfatherel bisabuelo
great-grandmotherla bisabuela
groom, fiancé, boyfriendel novio
honeymoonla luna de miel
judgeel/la juez
maid of honorla dama de honor
ministerel ministro
organel órgano
presentel regalo
priestel cura
rabbiel rabino
riceel arroz
ringel anillo
rude, crudegrosero/a
spiderla araña
spider webla telaraña
straight (hair)lacio/a
to borrowpedir prestado
to choose, to selectescoger
to cryllorar
to get married tocasarse con
to investinvertir
to lendprestar
to prayrezar
to printimprimir
to protectproteger
to sneezeestornudar
to sweatsudar
unfortunatelypor desgracia
weddingla boda