Allah (God) willingOjalá
Columbian dance and musicla cumbia
Cuban music/danceinfluential in salsa creationel son
balladla balada
bassel contrabajo
bongo drumel bongó
castanets (shell-shaped clappers)las castañuelas
chordla cuerda
chorusel coro
compositionla composición
conga drumlas congas
drumel tambor
drum setla batería
famela fama
fem. and plural that (adj)esas
fem. and plural that over there (adj)aquellas
fem. and plural that over there (pronoun)éstas/ésas/aquéllas
fem. and plural this (adj)estas
fem. and sing. that (adj)esa
fem. and sing. that over there (adj)aquella
fem. and sing. that over there (pronoun)ésta/ésa/aquélla
fem. and sing. this (adj)esta
female conductorla conductora
female interpreterla intérprete
female salsa music singerla salsera
female singerla cantante
female singer-songwriterla cantautora
female son music singerla sonera
five-stringed Andean guitarel charango
flamengo (Spanish dance)el flamenco
general form of that (adj)eso
general form of that over there (pronoun)éso/aquéllo
general form of that over there(pronoun)éstos
general form of this (adj)esto
genreel género
harmonyla armonía
interpretationla interpretación
jazzel jazz
lyricsla letra
male conductorel conductor
male interpreterel intérprete
male salsa music singerel salsero
male singerel cantante
male singer-songwriterel cantautor
male son music singerel sonero
maracas (hand held gourd rattles)las maracas
masc. and plural that (adj)esos
masc. and plural that over there (adj)aquellos
masc. and plural that over there (pronoun)éstos/ésos/aquéllos
masc. and plural this (adj)estos
masc. and sing. that (adj)ese
masc. and sing. that over there (adj)aquel
masc. and sing. that over there (pronoun)éste/ése/aquél
masc. and sing. this (adj)este
melodyla melodía
microphoneel micrófono
neutered form of that over there (adj)aquello
operala ópera
orchestrala orquesta
pair of wooden sticks used for percussionlas claves
percussion instrumentla percusión
popular Brazilian music/dancela sambá
popular Cuban dance/music created in New Yorkla salsa
popular Dominican/Haitian danceel merengue
prizeel premio
recognitionel reconocimiento
recorder (machine)la grabadora
recordingla grabación
rhythmel ritmo
showel espectáculo
singing, song, chantel canto
songla canción
to composecomponer
to conductconducir
to deal withtratarse de
to featuredestacar
to interpretinterpretar
to recognizereconocer
to recordgrabar
to scratchraspar
to singcantar
to toastbrindar
tourla gira
traditional Mexican music and bandel mariachi
voicela voz