address (noun)la dirección
as a childde niño
as a youth, at a young agede joven
babysitter (female)la niñera
babysitter (male)el niñero
boring (tedious), difficultpesado
childhoodla niñez
clothes dryerla secadora
coffeemakerla cafetera
currently, right nowen la actualidad
cyclingel ciclismo
dishwasherel lavaplatos
era, time (period)la época
footballel fútbol americano
freezerel congelador
game, matchel partido
grade (year in school)el grado
hobbyla afición
household applianceel aparato doméstico
household choreel quehacer doméstico
microwave ovenel horno de microondas
player (female)la jugadora
player (male)el jugador
refrigeratorel refrigerador
schoolla escuela
soccerel fútbol
spare timelos ratos libres
sporting, sports (adj.)deportivo
stovela estufa
swimming (name of sport)la natación
teamel equipo
to be a fanser aficionado
to be boringser aburrido
to be funser divertido
to be someone's turntocarle a uno
to cleanlimpiar
to clear the tablequitar la mesa
to dust the furnituresacudir los muebles
to fightpelear
to get boredaburrirse
to go for a bike ridepasear en bicicleta
to go to a barir a un bar
to go to a concertir a un concierto
to go to a discoir a una discoteca
to go to the theaterir al teatro
to have a picnichacer un picnic
to hitpegar
to iron clothingplanchar la ropa
to leave behind (in a place)dejar en
to make planshacer planes
to make the bedhacer la cama
to paint the wallspintar las paredes
to play chessjugar al ajedrez
to practice, trainentrenar
to ride a horse, go horseback ridingmontar a caballo
to ring, to sound (a bell, etc.)sonar
to rollerbladepatinar en línea
to runcorrer
to set the tableponer la mesa
to skatepatinar
to skiesquiar
to surfhacer surfing
to sweepbarrer
to take a walkdar un paseo
to take out the trashsacar la basura
to vacuumpasar la aspiradora
to visit a museumvisitar un museo
to walkcaminar
to wash the clotheslavar la ropa
to wash the disheslavar los platos
to winganar
toasterla tostadora
too much (adv.)demasiado
vacuum cleanerla aspiradora
washing machinela lavadora