a (coffee or measuring) cupuna taza
a (drinking) glassun vaso
a glass of wine, champagne or brandyuna copa
bakedal horno
baked (plur)horneados, horneadas
bottled (masc)embotellado, embotellados
broileda la parrilla
canned (sing)enlatado, enlatada
charcoal grilleda la brasa
fat (fem)gorda, gordas
frozen (sing)congelado, congelada
incapable (both words)incapaz, incapacitado
steamedal vapor
the anemiala anemia
the bottlela botella
the canla lata
the cholesterolel colesterol
the cupla taza
the fat (in a food)la grasa
the foodel alimento
the freezerel congelador
the frying pan, skilletla sartén
the gramel gramo
the imbalanceel desequilibrio
the incapacityla incapacidad
the kiloel kilo
the measurementslas medidas
the nutricionla nutrición
the ouncela onza
the ovenel horno
the plumpness, fatnessla gordura
the potla olla
the poundla libra
the preparationla preparación
the proteinla proteína
the skinla piel
to bakehornear
to boilhervir
to bottleembotellar
to canenlatar
to freezecongelar
to gain weightsubir de peso
to get fatengordar
to get off balancedesequilibrar
to incapacitateincapacitar
to ingestingerir
to lose weightbajar de peso
to manufacturefabricar
to peelpelar
to slim downadelgazar
to spoil (as in food)echar a perder
to thaw outdescongelar
to waste (food, an opportunity)desperdiciar
unbalanced (pl)desequilibrados, desequilibradas
to slim downadelgazar
to spoil (as in food)echar a perder
to thaw outdescongelar
to waste (food, an opportunity)desperdiciar
unbalanced (pl)desequilibrados, desequilibradas