el champiñón | el hongo |
el chorizo | la salchicha |
el durazno | el melocotón |
el hongo | el champiñón |
el melocotón | el durazno |
ground (sing) | molido, molida |
la salchicha | el chorizo |
molded (masc) | moldeado, moldeados |
salted (fem) | salada, saladas |
smoked (plur) | ahumados, ahumadas |
the blender | la batidora |
the breast (of chicken or turkey) | la pechuga |
the broth | el caldo |
the cabbage | la col |
the can opener | el abrelatas |
the chile pepper | el chile |
the codfish | el bacalao |
the coffee maker | la cafetera |
the cookie, cracker | la galleta |
the corkscrew | el sacacorchos |
the filet of beef | el filete de res |
the flavor | el sabor |
the frying (of a food) | la fritura |
the grapefruit (Spain) | el pomelo |
the green beans | las judías verdes |
the green pepper | el ají |
the juice (Spain) | el zumo |
the leftovers | las sobras |
the marinade | el adobo |
the meatball | la albóndiga |
the mold (for gelatin) | el molde |
the mushroom | el champiñón, el hongo |
the noodles | los fideos |
the olive | la aceituna |
the paprika | el pimentón |
the peach | el melocotón/el durazno |
the pineapple | la piña |
the pot, pan | la cacerola |
the salad dressing | el aderezo |
the sausage | el chorizo/la salchicha |
the sirloin | el solomillo |
the smoke | el humo |
the spatula | la espátula |
the spice | la especia |
the spinach | las espinacas |
the stew pot | la cazuela |
the strawberry | la fresa |
the suckling pig | el cochinillo |
the turnover | la empanada |
to bake | hornear |
to cook (Spain) | cocer |
to grind | moler |
to mold (as in jello) | moldear |
to salt | salar |
to smoke, cure | ahumar |
to cook (Spain) | cocer |
to grind | moler |
to mold (as in jello) | moldear |
to salt | salar |
to smoke, cure | ahumar |