fried (sing) | frito, frita |
spicy | picante |
the bean | el frijol |
the beef | la carne de res |
the cake | el pastel |
the carrots | las zanahorias |
the cream (liquid or whipped) | la crema |
the eggplant | la berenjena |
the eggs | los huevos |
the fish | el pescado |
the fork | el tenedor |
the garlic | el ajo |
the grapefruit | la toronja |
the ice cream | el helado |
the juice | el jugo |
the knife | el cuchillo |
the lamb | el cordero |
the lobster | la langosta |
the oven | el horno |
the pasta | la pasta |
the pear | la pera |
the peas | los guisantes |
the pepper (spice) | la pimienta |
the pepper (vegetable) | el pimiento |
the plantain | el plátano |
the pork | el cerdo |
the potato | la papa/la patata |
the rice | el arroz |
the salmon | el salmón |
the salsa | la salsa |
the salt | la sal |
the seafood | los mariscos |
the shrimp | los camarones |
the spoon | la cuchara |
the steak | el bistec |
the stove | la estufa |
the vegetables | las verduras |
the vinegar | la vinagre |
the yogurt | el yogur |
to cook | cocinar |
to dice, chop | picar |
to fry | freír |
to grill, roast | asar |
to measure | medir |
to slice | rebanar |
to dice, chop | picar |
to fry | freír |
to grill, roast | asar |
to measure | medir |
to slice | rebanar |