above allmás que todo, sobre todo
dailya diario
denied (sing)negado, negada
hated (plur)odiados, odiadas
insulting (s, pl)insultante, insultantes
mistreated (fem)maltratada, maltratadas
more than anythingmás que nada
on one's ownpor sí mismo
preventive (masc)preventivo, preventivos
promoted (sing)promovido, promovida
respected (plur)respetados, respetadas
the antidiscriminatory lawslas leyes antidiscriminatorias
the averageel promedio
the bad thing, partlo malo
the denialla negación
the ethnicityla etnicidad
the genderel sexo
the good thing, partlo bueno
the hate, hatredel odio
the important thinglo importante
the insultel insulto
the interesting thing, partlo interesante
the mistreatmentel maltrato
the peoplela gente
the policyla política
the preventionla prevención
the promotionla promoción
the respectel respeto
the sexual orientationla orientación sexual
to denynegar, negarse
to hateodiar/odiar
to insultinsultar
to mistreatmaltratar
to move away fromalejarse de
to preventprevenir
to promotepromover
to respectrespetar
to surpasssuperar