humiliated (masc)humillado, humillados
on the one handpor un lado
on the other handpor otro lado
prohibited (fem)prohibida, prohibidas
rejected (sing)rechazado, rechazada
the (work, school, home) environmentel ámbito
the cycleel ciclo
the donorel donante
the femalela hembra
the humiliationla humillación
the majorityla mayoría
the maleel varón
the minorityla minoría
the prejudiceel prejuicio
the progressel adelanto
the prohibitingla prohibición
the race (ethnic group)la raza
the rejectionel rechazo
the researcherel investigador/la investigadora
the sexual harrassmentel acoso sexual
the stage (of a process, ie. life)la etapa
the value, worthel valor
to acceptaceptar
to be (in a place or condition)hallarse
to belongpertenecer
to denynegarse
to flatter, complimentpiropear
to humiliatehumillar
to point outseñalar
to practice, exerciseejercer
to prohibitprohibir
to raise (children)criar
to reflectreflexionar
to rejectrechazar/rechazar
to respectrespetar
to valuevalorar
valued (plur)valorados, valoradas