annoyed (both plur forms)molestos, molestas
declared (both plur forms)declarados, declaradas
discussed (both sing forms)discutido, discutida
el chismeel cotilleo
el cotilleoel chisme
excused, forgiven (past part)disculpado
gossipy (both sing forms)chismoso, chismosa
grateful (both masc forms)agradecido, agradecidos
jealous (both fem forms)celosa, celosas
slandered (past part)calumniado
suspicious (both sing forms)sospechoso, sospechosa
the apology, excusela disculpa
the botherla molestia
the courage, spiritel ánimo
the declarationla declaración
the discussionla discusión
the engagementel compromiso
the faithfulnessla fidelidad
the good deedel bien
the gossipel chisme/el cotilleo
the gratitude, appreciationel agradecimiento
the happinessla felicidad
the jealousylos celos
the kindnessla bondad
the slander (complete lie)la calumnia
the suspicionla sospecha
the trustla confianza
to arguediscutir
to be faithfulser fiel
to be gratefulagradecer
to be jealoustener celos
to bother, annoymolestar
to confideconfiar
to excuse, forgivedisculpar
to get madenfadarse/enojarse
to gossipchismorrear
to hugabrazar
to like (a thing or activity)gustar
to like, love ( a person)querer
to love (a thing or activity)encantar
to love (deeply or romatically)amar
to love (in a religious context)amar
to make peacehacer las paces
to propose to, declare one's love todeclararse a
to protectproteger
to recognizereconocer
to slandercalumniar
to suggestsugerir
to suspectsospechar
to take for granteddar por sentado
to take the first stepdar el primer paso
to wish, want (a thing or action)querer
to wound, injureherir