alienated, insane (fem)enajenada, enajenadas
ashamed, embarrased (masc)avergonzado, avergonzados
brave, courageous (s, pl)valiente, valientes
but instead (+ correcting verb)sino que
but (no contradiction)pero
but rather (+ contradicting noun, adj, adv, or prep phrase)sino
conceited, vane (fem)vanidosa, vanidosas
in spite ofa pesar de
passionate (plur)apasionados, apasionadas
presumptuous (plur)presumidos, presumidas
sensitive (s,pl)sensible, sensibles
stubborn (masc)terco, tercos
the advanceel avance
the behaviorla conducta
the brainel cerebro
the discoveryel descubrimiento
the enigmael enigma
the medicationel medicamento
the mindla mente
the moodel estado de ánimo
the morals, moral valueslos valores morales
the mysteryel misterio
the pleasureel placer
the punishmentel castigo
the scoundrel, rascal (ü = alt 129)el sinvergüenza
the self respectel amor propio
to avoidevitar
to be passionate aboutapasionarse
to deceive, betray, foolengañar
to developdesarrollarse
to experimentexperimentar
to get emotionalemocionarse/emocionarse
to have worthtener valor
to increaseaumentar
to influenceinfluir
to obsess aboutobsesionarse
to overcome, rise abovesuperar
to reason (out)razonar
to revealrevelar
to underline, underscoresubrayar
ungrateful (sing)ingrato, ingrata
with a complex (i.e. inferiority) (sing)acomplejado, acomplejada
with bad habits, vices (sing)vicioso, viciosa