I would likequisiera
of coursepor supuesto
the (computer) technicianel técnico/la técnica
the Earthla Tierra
the Moonla Luna
the advantagela ventaja
the astronautel/la astronauta
the athleteel/la deportista
the big screenla pantalla gigante
the bottlela botella
the businesslos negocios
the business manel hombre de negocios
the business womanla mujer de negocios
the canla lata
the cardboardel cartón
the changeel cambio
the dancer (female)la bailarina
the dancer (male)el bailarín
the disadvantagela desventaja
the educationla educación
the environmentel medio ambiente
the forestel bosque
the futureel futuro
the glassel vidrio
the human beingel ser humano
the judgeel/la juez
the laborerel obrero/la obrera
the lawyerel abogado/la abogada
the mechanicel mecánico/la mecánica
the musicianel músico/la música
the novella novela
the oceanel océano
the painterel pintor/la pintora
the peacela paz
the planetel planeta
the politicianel político/la política
the politicsla política
the professionla profesión
the riverel río
the secretaryel secretario/la secretaria
the security systemel sistema de seguridad
the singerel/la cantante
the spaceel espacio
the technologyla tecnología
the trafficel tráfico
the universityla universidad
the veterinarianel veterinario/la veterinaria
the video phoneel teléfono con video
the warla guerra
the writerel escritor/la escritora
to be involved indedicarse
to contaminatecontaminar
to earn a livingganarse la vida
to exploreexplorar
to recyclereciclar
to reducereducir
to separateseparar
to throw outechar
to wastegastar
you would likequisieras
to reducereducir
to separateseparar
to throw outechar
to wastegastar
you would likequisieras
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  DATABASE:  conjuguemos-prod (Vocabulary:$db)   QUERIES: 0 (0.0000 seconds)  (Hide)
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  DATABASE:  conjuguemos-prod (Vocabulary:$reader)   QUERIES: 4 (0.0019 seconds)  (Hide)
0.0005   SELECT `activities`.*, `teachers`.`school_id`, `teachers`.`user_id` `teacher_user_id`, `teachers`.`receive_email` `receive_email`, `activities`.`language_id`, `users`.`email` `teacher_email`, `languages`.`text` as `language_text`, `activity_types`.`description` as `type`, `verb_activity_settings`.`settings` as `settings`, `verb_activity_settings`.`pronouns` as `selected_pronouns`, `activity_types`.`description` as `type`, `users`.`last_name` `creator`
FROM `activities`
LEFT JOIN `activity_typesON `type_id`=`activity_types`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `teachersON `activities`.`teacher_id` = `teachers`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `usersON `teachers`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`
JOIN `languagesON `activities`.`language_id` = `languages`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `verb_activity_settingsON `verb_activity_settings`.`activity_id` = `activities`.`id`
WHERE `activities`.`id` = '15754' 
0.0003   SELECT `class_id`, `classes`.`name`
FROM `classes_activities`
JOIN `classesON `classes_activities`.`class_id` = `classes`.`id`
WHERE `activity_id` = '15754' 
0.0002   SELECT *
FROM `languages`
WHERE `id` = '5' 
0.0009   SELECT DISTINCT `vocabulary`.`id`, `vocabulary`.`text`
FROM `activities`
JOIN `vocabulary_translationsON `activities`.`id` = `vocabulary_translations`.`activity_id`
JOIN `vocabularyON `vocabulary_translations`.`vocabulary_id` = `vocabulary`.`id`
WHERE `activities`.`id` = '15754'
ORDER BY `vocabulary_translations`.`idAS