Now it?s infected. | Ahora lo tengo infectado. |
advice | consejos |
an adhesive bandage | una curita |
ankle | el tobillo |
bone | el hueso |
brain | el cerebro |
cheek | la mejilla |
ear | la oreja |
elbow | el codo |
eyebrows | las cejas |
fingernail, toenail | la uña |
for someone to get a cramp | darle un calambre |
heart | el corazón |
ice | el hielo |
knee | la rodilla |
lips | los labios |
lungs | los pulmones |
ointment | el ungüento |
skin | la piel |
swollen | hinchado |
thigh | el muslo |
to bandage, to wrap | vendarse |
to be careful | tener cuidado |
to be sick | estar mal |
to break (+ body part) | romperse (+ body part) |
to bump one?s ... | darse un golpe en... |
to catch a cold | resfriarse |
to cut oneself | cortarse |
to fall down | caerse |
to get a sunburn, to get burned | quemarse |
to get sick | enfermarse |
to have a cold | estar resfriado |
to have a cough | tener tos |
to have a cramp | tener un calambre |
to injure/hurt oneself | lastimarse |
to put on... | ponerse... |
to sneeze | estornudar |
to sprain (+ body part) | torcerse (ue) (+ body part) |
to take some pills | tomarse unas pastillas |
to warm up | calentarse |
toe | el dedo del pie |
wrist | la muñeca |