I forgotse me olvidó
ballla pelota
bankel banco
cardla tarjeta
communityla comunidad
dentistel dentista
doctor (medical)el médico
doctor's/dentist's officeel consultorio
downtownel centro
for (length of time)por
gasolinela gasolina
golf clubel palo de golf
good graciouscaramba
letterla carta
mailboxel buzón
neighborhoodel barrio
of coursecómo no
pharmacyla farmacia
post officeel correo
postage stampel sello
right away, at onceen seguida
see you soonhasta pronto
service stationla estación de servicio
shampooel champú
skateslos patines
soapel jabón
sports equipmentel equipo deportivo
supermarketel supermercado
tennis racketla raqueta de tenis
the tank (car)el tanque
to cash a checkcobrar un cheque
to check out a booksacar un libro
to closecerrar
to dustquitar el polvo
to feed the dogdar de comer al perro
to fill the tankllenar el tanque
to go on footir a pie
to mail a letterechar una carta
to return a bookdevolver un libro
to sendenviar
to separateseparar
to stayquedarse
to take care ofcuidar a
toothbrushel cepillo de dientes
toothpastela pasta dental
various, severalvarios
to take care ofcuidar a
toothbrushel cepillo de dientes
toothpastela pasta dental
various, severalvarios