Do you think so?¿Tú crees?/¿Crees?
Don't tell me!¡No me digas!
I already know!¡Ya lo sé!
Really?¿De veras?
articleel artículo
authorel autor
camerala cámara
causela causa
channel, stationel canal
comic stripla tira cómica
commercialel anuncio
criticism, reviewla crítica
detailel detalle
editionla edición
editorel editor
factel hecho
headlineel titular
heroel héroe
heroinela heroína
journalismel periodismo
journalistel periodista
newslas noticias
news programel noticiero
photographerel fotógrafo
programel programa
reportel reportaje
reporterel reportero
robberyel robo
suddenlyde repente
there was, there werehubo
thiefel ladrón
to ask for, to orderpedir
to be well informedestar bien informado
to believecreer
to competecompetir
to diemorir
to hearoír
to knowsaber
to know, to meetconocer
to preferpreferir
to readleer
to repeatrepetir
to rescuerescatar
to serveservir
to sleepdormir
to stealrobar
viewerel televidente
writerel escritor
to serveservir
to sleepdormir
to stealrobar
viewerel televidente
writerel escritor