-ly (suffix)-mente
How + adj! (exclamation like¡qué!
I didn't mean (to do) it.fue sin querer
I'm sorry.lo siento
Of course!por supuesto
Pardon me. I'm sorry. (informal)discúlpame/disculpa
Pardon me./ I'm sorry. (formal)discúlpeme/disculpe
What + noun! (exclamation like¡qué!
absent-minded, distracteddistraído
alarm clockel despertador
anxietyla ansiedad
armel brazo
at leastpor lo menos
because ofpor
by phonepor teléfono
calendarel calendario
cupla taza
deadlineel plazo
disasterel desastre
electricityla electricidad
everywherepor todas partes
excuse meperdón
finallypor fin
fingerel dedo de la mano
footel pie
for heaven's sakepor Dios
for instance, for examplepor ejemplo
for the first timepor primera vez
for the last timepor última vez
for this reasonpor eso
full-time jobel trabajo de tiempo completo
generallypor lo general
grade (for a test, course)la nota
homeworkla tarea
identification cardla tarjeta de identificación
in order topara
in/during the afternoonpor la tarde
in/during the evening/nightpor la noche
in/during the morningpor la mañana
just in casepor si acaso
keyla llave
last, finalúltimo
legla pierna
lifela vida
notes (study, academic)los apuntes
of/ relating to studentsestudiantil
of/ relating to the universityuniversitario
oral or written reportel informe
part-time jobel trabajo de tiempo parcial
pleasepor favor
pressurela presión
quiz, testla prueba
schedule (noun)el horario
stairslas escaleras
stressel estrés
stressed out, under stressestresado
syllabusel programa
test; examel examen
thank you forgracias por
to apologizepedir disculpas
to arrive latellegar tarde
to arrive on timellegar a tiempo
to be distractedir distraído/estar distraído
to be under a lot of pressureestar bajo muchas presiones
to breakromper
to collect, to pick uprecoger
to fallcaer
to fall downcaerse
to finish, to run out ofacabar
to forgetolvidar
to get (grades)sacar
to get up on the wrong side of the bedlevantarse con el pie izquierdo
to happenocurrir
to have a lot of stresstener muchas presiones
to have bad lucktener mala suerte
to have good lucktener buena suerte
to hit, strikepegar
to hurt (a body part)lastimarse
to hurt oneselfhacerse daño
to hurt; to achedoler
to loseperder
to make a mistakeequivocarse
to parkestacionar
to passpasar
to remain, to be leftquedar
to rememberacordarse
to returndevolver
to run, bump againstpegarse contra
to run, bump intopegarse con
to run/bump intochocar con
to suffersufrir
to taketomar
to turn inentregar
to turn offapagar
toeel dedo del pie
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0.0005   SELECT `activities`.*, `teachers`.`school_id`, `teachers`.`user_id` `teacher_user_id`, `teachers`.`receive_email` `receive_email`, `activities`.`language_id`, `users`.`email` `teacher_email`, `languages`.`text` as `language_text`, `activity_types`.`description` as `type`, `verb_activity_settings`.`settings` as `settings`, `verb_activity_settings`.`pronouns` as `selected_pronouns`, `activity_types`.`description` as `type`, `users`.`last_name` `creator`
FROM `activities`
LEFT JOIN `activity_typesON `type_id`=`activity_types`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `teachersON `activities`.`teacher_id` = `teachers`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `usersON `teachers`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`
JOIN `languagesON `activities`.`language_id` = `languages`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `verb_activity_settingsON `verb_activity_settings`.`activity_id` = `activities`.`id`
WHERE `activities`.`id` = '1100242' 
0.0003   SELECT `class_id`, `classes`.`name`
FROM `classes_activities`
JOIN `classesON `classes_activities`.`class_id` = `classes`.`id`
WHERE `activity_id` = '1100242' 
0.0003   SELECT *
FROM `languages`
WHERE `id` = '5' 
0.0011   SELECT DISTINCT `vocabulary`.`id`, `vocabulary`.`text`
FROM `activities`
JOIN `vocabulary_translationsON `activities`.`id` = `vocabulary_translations`.`activity_id`
JOIN `vocabularyON `vocabulary_translations`.`vocabulary_id` = `vocabulary`.`id`
WHERE `activities`.`id` = '1100242'
ORDER BY `vocabulary_translations`.`idAS