Portuguese Preterit Tense (regular verbs)

Conjuguemos Verb Chart

abrir | to open

adorar | to love or adore / to worship

alugar | to rent

aprender | to learn

assistir | to attend or watch

beber | to drink

caminhar | to walk

cantar | to sing

chegar | to arrive

comprar | to buy

correr | to run

dançar | to dance

decidir | to decide

descansar | to rest

dever | to owe or should

discutir | to argue or discuss

dormir | to sleep

emagrecer | to lose weight

engordar | to gain weight

escrever | to write

escutar | to listen

esperar | to hope or wait

estudar | to study

falar | to speak

ficar | to stay or remain / to be

gostar | to like

lavar | to wash

levar | to take or carry / to wear article of clothing

limpar | to clean

morar | to live or reside

olhar | to look

pegar | to catch or grab

pesquisar | to investigate

precisar | to need

procurar | to look for

receber | to receive

tirar | to take or pull out or off

tomar | to take or drink

trabalhar | to work

usar | to use

viajar | to travel

viver | to live